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Teaching financial literacy to our pupils at an early age is one of the missions of our school.
With this, our school fully supported the city government’s program entitled Eskwela Kooperatiba —an initiative to establish laboratory cooperatives in all schools wherein a learner can open a savings account for a minimum of of P50.00 which will also qualify him/her for discount card privileges (BIDA Kard) distributed by the City’s Local Council for the Protection of Children (LCPC).
Project PUSO is an adopt-a-child initiative for Eskwela Kooperatiba which aims to tap stakeholders, both internal and external, to fund a learner’s savings account and membership.


Eskwela Kooperatiba is a program of the city government of Imus that aims to teach pupils financial literacy at an early age.
These are laboratory cooperatives in all schools wherein a learner can deposit any amount to his/her savings account given that he/she is a member of the laboratory cooperative.
For more info on Project Puso and Eskwela Kooperatiba, visit

Mayor Emmanuel L. Maliksi shares Project Puso of Toclong ES as an Eskwela Kooperatiba membership and advocacy initiative. (Watch 3:10 to 6:30).
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