Project LACES

Toclong ES is a public elementary school with a total enrolment of 542 pupils in SY 2019-2020. It is situated in Toclong 1-C, City of Imus, between two cemeteries—Imus Public Cemetery and Angelus Eternal Garden.
A summary of the learner’s monthly attendance through School Form 2 of the first four months of SY 2018-2019 revealed that domestic-related factors such as family problems and parent attitude toward schooling are two of the main reasons why the school has an increasing number of pupils at-risk of dropping out (PARDOs) which negatively affect their academic performance.
Thus, this project would like to see the school gain increments in terms of learners’ attendance and academic performance by improving parent participation and increasing the number of school’s external partners/stakeholders in different programs, projects and activities (PPAs).